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The Claremont Academy: Recent Developments

The Claremont Academy

The first school to publicly announce it was a super school. Claremont was acquired, renovated, opened and run by billionaire philanthropist Duncan Summers. Claremont is built on the famous but abandoned Claremont Monastery which had a dark history, particularly the legend of the Burning Ghost. The school is located on sprawling grounds and houses the no longer secret subterranean base of the various “Next” Teams that operate out of the school.

The Claremont Academy is home for a range of superteams. The most prominent is “Next Gen”, closely followed by the “Alterniteens”. Additionally Claremont students have formed a range of “Next” teams including Nexion, Nexus, Next Step and more. These other teams have highly variable membership and longevity. Professor Summers has always tolerated this as he highly values supers making their own choices and being responsible for their own actions. This cavalier attitude has met with resistance from AEGIS who believes a regulated and coordinated super population is better for society. There is considerable rivalry between the Next teams and AEGIS affiliated teams with each “dropping in uninvited” in each others operations.

There is no love lost between AEGIS Director Thorne and the Claremont Headmaster Professor Summers. That being said there is no denying the considerable resources AEGIS brings to the super community and Claremont students and graduates tend to exploit these resources while playing extremely fast and loose with the AEGIS “requirements”. AEGIS has yet to actually revoke accreditation from the Claremont teams but it has been threatened multiple times. The prospect of any of the highly unpredictable Next Teams running amok without any insurance is a prospect no one wants. To date Claremont has managed to smooth over any flagrant breaches of AEGIS requirements – albeit with much chest beating, many “probationary periods” and “warnings”.

Since opening the Claremont Academy, Headmaster Summers appeared to be of very advanced age. Every year for the last decade concerns have been raised as to who would succeed him. One year ago the Headmaster, aided by Next Gen, returned from an absence and appeared to be several decades younger - apparently in his mid to late sixties. The Headmaster advised that Next Gen had finally broken a curse placed upon Professor Summers and he had now returned to his true age. Reactions to his event among the student body and parents has been widely variable.

This year enrolment included a withdrawn and secretive girl called Vivian Sneed who called herself “Snare”. Shortly after Snare joined Claremont students began to go missing. No search, physical, psychic or technological or magical could uncover the missing students. Finally the Faculty and eminent Next Teams declared Snare to be the culprit. Within hours, they too vanished along with Snare. The school was thrown into chaos until a number of alumni came to take charge.

The current Acting Headmaster of Claremont Academy is Adrian Hooper, AKA Extent, who was formerly a prominent member of Next Gen in the noughties. Professor Hooper is a qualified and registered teacher and one of the very few of the “Acting Faculty” who is. Professor Hooper specialises in music, physical education and history. He is affable but somewhat lax in discipline (with the exception of harassment which he comes down hard on). Claremont has become notably rowdier since his commencement. Professor Hooper is on special leave from AEGIS where he is both a Special Agent and a member of the high profile AEGIS superteam “the Mentors”. This arrangement has fuelled rumours that Claremont has been covertly co-opted by AEGIS. Despite the suspicion Adrian has proven relatively adept at keeping Claremont functioning while mentoring a hastily formed replacement Next Gen team.

Acting Assistant Headmaster is Tara Breen AKA Maelstrom, Adrian’s wife. As Tara is from an alternate Earth, she has taken to mentoring “the Alterniteens”: a team composed of parallel Earth refugees (normally mentored by Navigatrix – also missing). Professor Breen specialises in magic theory, art and drama.

Dr Jane Doe, AKA Genesis, teaches science and mathematics around her duties with ASTRO Labs… and wherever else she routinely goes (no one knows where or when). Substitute teachers often feature in Dr Doe’s classes. Dr Doe, also hailing from a parallel Earth (much like Professor Breen – although a different one), was known as the best friend of the currently missing Navigatrix. Headmaster Summers maintained an ongoing active and public dislike of Dr Doe but she is extremely close to Headmaster Hooper and Professor Breen. Together the three of them are currently the prime driving force in keeping Claremont open, keeping the Next Teams operating and coordinating the hunt for Professor Summers and the missing Next teams. Adrian Hooper and Tara Breen also do this around care for their 2 year old daughter Jennifer (who is frequently dragged to class with one of her parents).

Additional alumni have been “drafted” along with a number of non-powered teaching staff. Mr Ian Johnson AKA Spook has temporarily returned to the East Coast to take up shop, engineering, design and technology. Christine Zimmerman has left the Island of the Moreau to teach language studies, social studies, biology and English.

The most recent developments include the enrolment of Jasmine Saunders, AKA the new Lady Liberty. As a Japanese American Jasmine has been the subject of taunts, harassment and oppression with some people accusing her of “stealing an American legacy” (despite the fact that she is American born). Jasmine is the first non-Caucasian Lady Liberty. Headmaster Hooper deals harshly with anyone who harasses any of his students but that doesn’t protect Jasmine from the public, the media or the few protestors and white supremacists who occasionally appear at the Claremont gates. Jasmine has maintained a friendly Mentoring relationship with Laura Stonewall of the Band with whom she shares many values. Jasmine spends much of her free time at the nearby Wicked Witch café where barista (also bouncer and generally all round scary) Matt Black brooks no nonsense from anyone.

The nearby Wicked Witch Café, based in the Ordway Observatory next to Weirdly Park is frequented by Claremont students and staff alike. It is also a relatively short trip from ASTRO Labs and Arcadian University. As a local hub of super activity, memorabilia and history the café makes a welcome meeting place. Jobs at the Café are in high demand and Mr Tonka, the proprietor, can afford to be picky in who he hires as there is a long list of candidates all vying to work there. That being said he is known to be unpredictable in who gets hired and often hires on whim. Wendy and Marvin recently left Arcadia opening two positions. One has gone to Jasmine Saunders and the other…


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