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Trouble in Paradise

"Ready love?" Adrian called deeper into the quarters. He juggled his squirming three year old daughter in one hand and his guitar case in the other.

"Just the final check dear," Tara's voice approached.  She emerged from a side room with a rucksack over one shoulder. "I'm going to miss this place."

"Yeah." He steered her towards the door. "This was fun but it's time to go home for a while."

"You know we can commute you lunk. It's a single monkey-hop. No traffic at all." The spun to face him. Red hair twirled after in a wake.

"It doesn't work that way." He sidestepped the small woman. The child in his arms reached for her wild hair. "They expect us to be on Campus." The child happily snagged her mother's hair and Adrian released Jennifer in smooth well practiced move.

Tara again spun and hurried after Adrian. "I guess... it's just..."

Adrian stopped to face Tara. "I know dear, it's not your Claremont. You're worried about it getting weird. But we've got you. Navigatrix, Jane, Duncan, me. You'll be fine."

"Yeah. I know you've all got my back. I'll be fine... but I read the latest mission report from the Band. Evil me is back. Is Claremont safe for Jennifer compared to the Spire?"

 Adrian once more led his partner and daughter away from their apartment and towards the lifts. "She's in Blackstone at the moment and even if she was on the loose Cara isn't crazy enough to set foot on Claremont honey."

"Well..." Tara walked beside the tall man, "I do like it there. As long as Jennifer is safe."

"She is."

"Okay. I guess the Mentors can do without us for a while."

"You know it."


"Come on Archard. Just having you associated with the Prestige will open corporate doors again. Don't make me beg."

Archard eyed Peerless shrewdly. He was contemplating whether or not to see if Peerless really would beg. It seems extremely unlikely.

"I'm committed to AEGIS and the Mentors."

Peerless sighed. "It was worth a try Archard but sometimes, just sometimes, don't you miss your old life? Your fortune? Your company?"


"What if I could give you a chance to get it back?"

Archard didn't betray any emotion but his heart quickened a beat. "You have my attention."


"Shedu," the Master scolded, "You have been remiss in your training, The claws of Sheut are upon you. Lord Anubis beckons you to Ammit."

"I admit I feel the press of the claws. I sense the entreaty to be damned," Simone sat before the Master within the gardens of Kalapa. "But I resist both. I am strong. They will not defeat me."

"Shedu. False bravado will destroy you. Do not underestimate Sheut or Lord Anubis. They are gods. You are mortal."

"I am Master."

"Then tend your studies carefully. It would pain us to lose you." Genuine fondness eminated from the Master.

"As the Master wishes," Acquiesced Simone, "I will remain here in Kalapa a while longer."


"Dan! Henry!" Faraday Irons virtually bounded into the room.

Solar Man (AKA Dan Byrnes) and Henry White (AKA White Light) looked askance.

"I finally got something useful out of that miscreant Dr Einstein."

The slightly portly Henry look doubtful. "Who says miscreant anymore and Patriot, I didn't think he was talking?"

Faraday smiled broadly, "Faraday please Henry. And miscreant is a fine word. More people should use it. As for the good Dr Einstein, you're right he still isn't talking but Mr James Hawkins is proving helpful. I had Mr Hawkins decrypting Dr Einstein's files."

Solar Man, who was sporting a sickly pallor in recent months, interjected. "I'm not sure we should be trusting one criminal to tell the truth about another criminal."

"I think Mr Hawkins genuinely wants to atone for his misdeeds. Since the Band cured him, he's a new man. Quite literally. But Dan it's you I have been worried about."

"Faraday," Solar Man smiled, "That's very kind of you but AEGIS are doing their best for me. I'm sure I'm in good hands. Dr Anthony himself is looking into my case."

"He's a good man, Dan," Faraday clasped Solar Man's shoulder, "One of the best. But he's working from scratch. I might have found someone who can give Dr Anthony a leg up."

Henry's curiosity was piqued. "Who?"

Faraday grasped Henry's shoulder as well. "Dan's mother; Katlyn."

Solar Man sat stunned.

Faraday continued. "But we've had Dr Einstein a couple of weeks now. We need to move fast."

Henry's eyes sparked. "Oh! An adventure! I'm coming right?"

"Of course you are! Red, White and Blue." Faraday gestured to Solar Man, Henry and himself with each colour. "But we need to get underway now. Will Sharon be okay?"

Henry eagerly reached for his phone. "I'm sure I can arrange it"

Solar Man still sat in wonder. "Will Director Thorne release us?"

"It's hero work my friend. Sometimes you just have to act. I'm sure they'll cope. After all they still have Adrian, Tara, Archard and Simone. They'll be fine."



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