The Price of Freedom |
- Lost but not Forgotten provides a retrospect on the Freedom League over the decades
The Band: Forward to the Past |
- Guest starring Laura Stonewall. Tex decides to adopt a first hand approach to a history assignment. As a result the Band find themselves in the past and out of time in the Lepidoptera Assignment,
The Machinist: House of Cards |
- Tommy visits Las Vegas where he succumbs to temptation with terrible consquences for Tommy and his friends.
The Machinsts and the Angels |
- Guest Staring Laura Stonewall. DNAscent and super trafficking again raise it's ungly head As Tommy, Aki, Ako and Aya, are joined by Laura Stonewall, in a seagoing adventure.
Stonewall: Forgetten Lives |
- Who is Laura Stonewall? More importantly, who WAS Larua Stonewall? Harken back to the height of the gaelic empire with one of Laura's forgotten lives.
Texas Torpedo: American Roadtrip |
- Jesse has graduated and is moving to Acadia via road trip but as Fate would have it, nothing is ever that simple.
Texas Torpedo: Team ups |
- Guest starring Laura Stonewall, Jesse's journey across America is interrupted when he stops to aid a young woman in distress.
Next Gen: Resurgence |
- Professor Summers teaches a history class like no other - the history of Next Gen
Super School: Roll Call |
- Re-acquant yourselves with the future members of Next Gen and the current student teams. Learn the secrets of Professor Summers new look!
Moutain and Sea |
- Adrian and Tara recount their history and adventures to young Jennifer.
Extent: Family Ties |
- Adrian is a family man but of which family? Hooper clan, nuclear family, Claremont or AEGIS. Can he have it all or is it doomed to fracture.
G'Em |
- G'Em receives word of trouble in the Lor Republic and is forced to choose between her life on Earth and her duty. [FINAL ISSUE]
Red, White and Blue |
- How did the unlikely friendship of Solar Man (Red), White Light (White) and Patriot (Blue) come to pass?
Mentors: Resurgance |
- Outreach's official team launches as the team discover that forming an "official team" is not as easy as they think within the politics of AEGIS.
Meta 4: Resurgance |
- Meta-4: Muster! Protonik, the atomic tank re-assembles Meta-4 as the they were Dispersed in the aftermath of Rise of the Atomic Brain!
Sentinels: Resurgance |
- Aquamarine and the Sentinels deal with the aftermath of Tellax Returns!
Atoms: Resurgance |
- "When I grow up" The abridged legacy of the Atoms... told by Lady Luna as she plans her next move against her long time foes.
Johnni Rocket |
- A retrospective on the legacy of Johnny Rocket along with the latest heir to the title as told by "Lost but Not Forgotten".
Lady Liberty |
- A retrospective on the legacy of Lady Liberty as told by "Lost but Not Forgotten".
Thunder and Lightning |
- Explores the relationship between father and son, hero and sidekick.
It's a Kind of Magic |
- A primer to all things mystic in Earth Prime
Star Captain / Mr Fluffy special |
- A match made on Heaven leads the two unlikely companions straight to the planet Helle.
Star Knight Corp |
- [FINAL ISSUE] Rise of the Argents
Genesis |
- Jean decides to settle down on Earth Prime. A new identity, a new life but will her old life simply let her go?
Agents of AEGIS |
- "The Statesmen Initiative" (Part 1). Senior Director Powers has secrets within secrets but one has apparnetly escaped is grasp. What is the Statesmen Initiative?
Raven: Resurgance |
- A retrospective on the legacy of Raven along with the latest heir to the title as told by "Lost but Not Forgotten".
Freedom League: Restrospective |
- The history of the Freedom League as told by "Lost but Not Forgotten" [FIANL ISSUE]
Freebooter: Letter of Marque |
- The secret origin of the Freebooter as told to the parole board...
Bowman |
- A retrospective on the legacy of Bowman along with the latest heir to the title as told by "Lost but Not Forgotten".
Bowman and Arrow |
- Bowman reflects on the Arrows of the past and why he has chosen not to take on a side kick.
Cyclone and the Pugilist |
- Cyclone and the Pugilist team up to rescue the rest of Meta-4 and discover they have more in common than anyone thought.
Tindaar and Son |
- [ONE SHOT] The renunion between father and son is itterupted by the return of Slithor! Can this duo free Umdaar from its enslavement.
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