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Post Realignment: Tara Cassidy Breen

Ark of Worlds Continuity Update

Reality: Earth Prime

Tara Breen
Code name: Maelstrom
Affiliation:  The Mentors  (formerly "Ark of Worlds" circa 2008-2010)

Known associates
  • Adrian David Hooper (code name "Extent")
  • Jane Doe (code name "Genesis")

Tara is the last known survivor of Earth-308 which was destroyed by the Doom Coil in 2007.

Tara Cassidy Breen is a physical doppleganger of "Cara Avonmora" of Earth Prime. On Earth-308 Tara had a life closely mirroring that of Cara.

Tara attended the Claremont Academy and was a member of that realities Next Gen. During that time Tara dated Aiden Wainwright until his death in her Junior year (Year 11). After graduating Tara was recruited by the Ark of Worlds which spared her from the destruction of her reality.

Vicki of the Ark of Worlds made Tara Cassidy Breen (Earth-308) and Adrian David Hooper (Earth Prime) partners in 2008, After an awkward start to their partnership the two quickly became friends and then lovers. The pair now have a daughter together: Jennifer  Breen-Hooper.

Tara still finds little idiosyncrasies that remind her that Earth Prime is not her native home. A long standing joke between Tara and Adrian is that on Earth-308 the "Princess Bride" is the "Prince's Bride" - a story they both love and quote.

Notably Tara shows little evidence of a psychological "dark side" such as the one that plagued Cara Avonmora.

Power Set
While they are phyiscally twins Tara and Cara's water manipulation powers are notably different. While Cara was a superhuman, Tara's mother Marion was a faerie water spirit: an Undine.

3Long Distance Mighty Telekinesis: Use Will to lift large objects up to 3 zones away. Attack with Will by hurling objects. Lifting something human-sized is a Fair (+2) obstacle, while a car is a Great (+4) obstacle.
1Shield: With a moment’s concentration, you can erect a barrier between your zone and an adjacent zone, which lasts until the end of the scene or you will it away. This barrier is transparent, but no matter can pass through it. When someone attempts to attack through the barrier, or attacks the barrier itself, you intercept the attack, using Will to defend. If the attack succeeds, you may either take the shifts as mental stress or allow the barrier to shatter and take mental stress equal to half of the shifts, rounded down. You may erect multiple barriers, but each active barrier after the first reduces your Will roll to defend by one.
1Energy Blast: Shoot up to 3 zones away
1Phasing: Can use Burglary to walk through walls and other physical barriers. A standard interior wooden door is a Fair (+2) obstacle, while thicker barriers of sturdier materials provide more opposition.
0Water Projection Power Theme: Your powers are aqueous in nature, and you’re infused with liquid. Whenever you use your power, you create liquids and pools.
1Water Control: in addition to generating water you can manipulate it, causing water to flow and pool where you want. Getting water to spread in a specific direction requires you to overcome a Fair (+2) obstacle with Provoke; more complex maneuvers increase that opposition.
1Immortal: can be taken out in combat, but nothing can make Tara actually die.

Skill Tree



Concept:Water is my element
Trouble:Strange visitor from another world
Origin:Human/Faerie hybrid
Aspect:Things keep getting turbulent
Aspect:With great power comes...

Tara is known mostly from Ark of Worlds where she worked closely with Vicki, Chase and Jane. After moving permanently to Earth Prime she has been working alongside Adrian at AEGIS. While Tara was never a member of the "Next Gen" of Earth Prime she has strong feelings for the team and Claremont Academy in general. Navigatrix and Professor Summers are both aware of her extra-dimensional origin and given their experiences with the "Alterni-Teens" they have welcomed her into the dysfunctional extended Claremont family.

First Appearance: Ark of Worlds (2008)

Appeared in:
  • Ark of Worlds
  • Extent
  • Mountain and Sea
  • The Mentors


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